Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Coming up...

This weekend I'll be going to Geneva and Interlaken, Switzerland. Not sure what I'm doing in either place yet, but it will probably be expensive. Interlaken has a lot of outdoorsy stuff to do, like canyoning or skiing or bungee jumping. What I do will be determined by how much money I decide I can spend this weekend and by how well I am. I've still got a cough (going on 3 weeks now) but its finally getting a little better.

Then next week I leave on Wednesday for Dublin for St. Patrick's Day and Amsterdam for the weekend! Wednesday I train to northern France, fly to somewhere in England, fly to Dublin, spend Thursday in Dublin, leave Friday morning for the Cliffs of Moher, then fly out Friday evening from Shannon to Frankfurt. Then I'm taking an overnight train Friday night to Amsterdam, spending Saturday and Sunday there, and getting back probably Monday morning.

The weekend after I'm planning to be more chill since I'll be so busy the next two weeks. But I'm actually going to spend St. Patrick's Day in Ireland. I'm pretty excited :)


  1. Interlaken is AMAZING. i'm really creeping on your trip, but I did a Eurotrip this summer. My recommendations for Interlaken: Go canyoning. It is such a rush! There are pictures in an album on my facebook if you want to look. Also, there is a place there where you can rent these plastic smart cars.. Take one! Drive up around the Jungfrau and stop in all the different towns!

    Let me know where you are staying in Amsterdam! And have a blast in Dublin, everyone is so nice!

  2. My friend went canyoning over the summer, and it looks incredible! Kinda expensive though, so not sure if we're gonna do it. I really want to though. I just checked out your album, ahhh I want to do it.

    Plastic smart cars? I could totally see myself driving a smart car. In Switzerland. :)
