Thursday, January 31, 2019

2016 Update

The year is now 2019. I evidently started this post in 2016 and never finished it or published it. So here, world, is some new content from 2016-Kim.
Hi. So I was partially right in that I forgot about my blog, but only for a year and a half as opposed to two years. Woo! And a lot has happened in my life.

So I ran and FINISHED my half marathon in September '14! It was rough. And I could barely walk afterwards. But I did it.

Then I moved into my new apartment with Jensen! And then, 5 days later, my mom passed away suddenly. She had torn a muscle in her left calf a few weeks earlier and apparently multiple blood clots formed and caused a pulmonary embolism. She passed out at work one day, her heart stopped in the ambulance, and that was it. And my life was forever changed.

Over the next few months, my life was basically consumed by working on my dad's house, clearing out junk, going through papers, and getting it in order. Around March '15, my dad, brother, and I decided we wanted to move to Phoenix to live by my sister. Some other events further cemented that, and by April '15 I had approval from my company to move and work remotely. So the next few months after that were consumed by packing things up in my dad's house and cleaning to get it up on the market (which it still isn't). Since then, my brother has decided to stay in Atlanta a while longer, my dad is still working on getting out here, and I moved to Scottsdale in October '15.

We did take one family cruise to the southern Caribbean in July, and saw Curacao, Grand Turk, and Aruba. It was a lot of fun! Aruba was my favorite, and I definitely want to go back on my own for a longer period of time. And then I went to Guatemala for work (also fun! hiked up a volcano and roasted a marshmallow) and California (also for work, but not quite as fun, and I was sick).

And then I moved in October. My move consisted of me, two suitcases, and a cat on a plane! I found a roommate online and went for it. The weekend after I moved, I drove to Albuquerque and met up with Brenna (who planned out a 3-week solo road trip, timed perfectly to meet up with me that weekend) and we went to the International Balloon Fiesta. And it was AWESOME. So freaking cool. Standing in a field at sunrise with balloons inflating all around you. By the end, 500+ balloons were up in the sky. It was incredible. Might even go back next year.

Then I worked on getting settled in to my new home. It's so weird that I live on the opposite side of the country now.