Saturday, August 16, 2014

2014 Update

Oh yeah, I had a blog. Thought I'd send out a little life update since my October 2012 post. I know, I know, you guys have been on the edge of your seats, checking up daily, just praying for a new post from me. Well, your prayers have been answered!

So Alaska DID happen, in May 2013. I only got to go for 1 week, on a cruise along the inside passage, which was incredible. We left out of Vancouver (where we visited the Kiapalano Village and suspension bridge), then along the way we visited Ketchikan (floatplane and lumberjack show), Juneau (whale watching and Mount Roberts Tramway), Skagway (White Pass & Yukon train ride), Glacier Bay and Seward (Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center). Then I flew home while my parents and brother rented an RV and drove around more of Alaska.

I did not go to Munich for Oktoberfest last year. Nor am I going this year. Maybe next year? Or the year after? I'll go eventually!

In September 2013 I traveled to Chicago for my mom's cousin's daughter's wedding. That was my first time seeing Chicago! I got to ride around with the wedding party on a trolley after the ceremony, which ended up being a pretty good way to see the city. I also saw the real Optimus Prime! And I rode in a stunt plane with my mom's cousin's husband. Did some loops and rolls and all kinds of stuff. It was pretty neat.

My week of vacation time for 2014 was spent on a Caribbean cruise in March. I snorkeled and relaxed on some beaches, rode a horse through the jungle, sailed in a regatta, drank lots of alcohol and stirred up trouble and just had a good ol' time.

Then in April, I took a 3-day weekend to Louisville, KY for the (weekend before the) Kentucky Derby! Right in time for my birthday. Bet on some horses (and mostly lost) and drank out of fancy glasses.

I also visited Pensacola recently for a weekend to get in a little more beach time before Fall. That's about it on my travel experiences since 2012! I might have had a few more little weekend trips here and there, but this about sums it up.

Next year I will probably take a trip to Phoenix to visit my sister and brother-in-law, since I haven't made it out to see them since they moved. Was HOPING to go to the Super Bowl since it will be in Phoenix this year, but that was before I realized tickets would be $1000+. Oops. And since I get a whole TWO WEEKS of vacation next year, who knows what else the future holds!

In other news, on a more permanent-travel basis, I'm moving in a month and a half! I decided two years is long enough to live with the parents after college. I paid off my car and am ready to get moving, so I will be moving a whopping exit and a half south to Alpharetta with my bff Jensen.

On a more literal-travel basis, I've taken up running over the past couple of months. In February, I participated in my first ever race, a 5k, and boy was it rough for me. But then I kept up the working out, and ran in the Peachtree Roadrace in July, a 10k, and had a much better time. Now I'm training for a half marathon on September 6th, yikes! I've gotten up to 7 miles so far, which is pretty damn awesome for me, but I still have a ways to go in 3 weeks. I'm running 9 miles this Sunday, wish me luck!

Anyway, once the rent hits, I likely will be traveling a good deal less. But maybe I'll blog about my lack of travel experiences and life out of the nest, how comfy or not-comfy my couch is, and about how well I'm able to keep up with the running? Just wait and see! It's probably more likely I'll forget about this blog for another 2 years. But we'll see. Farewell!